Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Adventures of Roberta X: I Renewed My NRA Membership Today

The Adventures of Roberta X: I Renewed My NRA Membership Today:      Please join NRA or renew your membership if you haven't already.  Are they perfect?  Oh, hells no; but the NRA is the loudest voice we have, ad the only one with all the legislators addresses, phone numbers, favorite beverages and lobbyists who know what buttons to push. They're also your best chance to do a little button-pushing yourself -- they're always looking for volunteers!

She makes a good point.  Also, I just re-joined about an hour ago.  I had let it lapse, since I only have so much money to throw at organizations a year, and the last few a more local group was getting what I had.

Right now though, the big dogs could use the help.