Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Time to laugh at the NYPD... Somebody snapped this photo of some tacti-cool dudes looking for a guy that shot some people:

(From Facebook)
Closest guy to the camera.

I'm guessing he'll be hitting up the armoror after they clear to figure out what's "wrong" with his optic there...


Available for a freakin' steal if what Manda says about it is true.  (I haven't gotten to read it yet, but I got it for her as a surprise gift a few months back.)  If you like Firefly, you want it.

Did We Get a New Sheriff?

That was my first thought when Manda sent me this link.

Color me insanely surprised with our County's top LEO.  Previously he's parroted Flynn when it came to Open Carry, so I honestly never would have expected this.