Monday, September 9, 2013

More Press

They don't have a web version, but here's a snapshot of the article in this week's Portage County Gazette.

As always, DONATE HERE!

KtKC Day 9

Had to work early this morning, and at some point my face decided it'd be an awesome idea to pick up a wicked sinus infection.  Long story short, even though I was kilted after work, I completely blanked on getting a pic.

On the upside, as we pulled out of Walgreens with the psuedoephedrine, I decided that if I ever need a parking lot painted, I don't want to hire the guys that did theirs.

How much is "drunk insurance"?

I don't work tomorrow, so hopefully I'll remember to get a quick photo.

And as always, please direct your sympathy donations here.

ETA:  Sympathy picture!  Sniffley tea time.