Sunday, January 24, 2010

Well I think he's a fantastic author.

And so does Sarah A. Hoyt. I pretty much cut my science fiction teeth reading Heinlein, and can pretty confidently say I have read almost everything he has written, most of it several times. (I'm on my third copy of Starship Troopers... I keep wearing them out, and I don't know how my copy of The Cat Who Walks Through Walls is still in one piece, it's beautiful testament to whatever publisher put out my particular copy...) To say he is my favorite author of all time would be an understatement.
Apparently there are people out there that don't like him. I think they're the same people who say Glocks are better than a 1911. And Sarah Hoyt seems to be in the same boat as me, only she's a much better writer than I, and put together a nice piece on the very subject.


Robert McDonald said...

Agreed, Heinlein is fantastic. Wish more people would read him. Sarah Hoyt's article is great. A lot of the comments are good too. Even the one's by people who just 'don't get it.'

Fred said...

I haven't even read through the comments over there, although the few I skimmed did look good.