Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Obvious Counterfeit... Obvious.

Seems Dan got taken on the Gun Broker (counterfeit UBR and set of MBUS, same seller.)  He's filed a claim with them and let the boys at Magpul know.  Just beware though, there are fake UBRs out there.


Dan said...

Would like to point out, I checked out the photos and they are of the genuine articles, but the product was different =)

Fred said...

That's awesome... do you have a link to the seller? Might prevent some others from getting shafted.

Mike-ENDOtactical said...

The spelling mistakes they make always blow my mind. It must be because of the language barrier, and not having English keyboards over in china. I can't see any other way people obviously smart enough to clone/mold something like a UBR could mess up the spelling so often.

Fred said...

Point of extra hilarity to that point, it came with two cheek pieces, and they spelled it correctly on the other one.