Monday, May 23, 2011

Where It All Goes Down

RTB asked a bunch of us about where most of our blogging happens.

at least 75% of it happens on my little Eee PC-

I've added a couple other stickers since I took that photo... a BCM Gunfighter (because they're awesome charging handles, and it fit perfect) and a Wisconsin Carry, Inc. member one (because they're just an awesome group.)

As far as the geographic location of said blogging, a vast amount occurs at Emy J's, my preferred area caffeine slinger.

I'll admit, the coffee place is borderline hippie/hipster at times, but I take a perverse joy in writing a heavily gunny oriented blog on a gun sticker festooned netbook at such a place.  Plus it is the best coffee in town, hands down.  I mean they're roasting fresh beans right now about 30 feet away from me.  It smells fantastic.

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