Saturday, September 17, 2011

Gun Show Results...

Aside from dealers apparently smoking crack when pricing things (at least one honestly was marking things up $1-200 more than they have the same gun in the shop...) I decided to pass on some really nice classic S&W Chief's Specials simply because I didn't want to drive halfway across the state in a couple days to actually take possession of the guns.

On a positive note, we picked up a significant amount of ammo for relatively good prices, especially factoring in not paying shipping.  Also snagged a couple AR parts for a current build.  Overall, actually a pretty successful show.


JD said...

Having not really read over the full content of the carry bill, will a WI carry permit negate the ___ day waiting period?

Fred said...

I had asked about that when they were writing it, got told "we're working on that," and never heard about it again. I think everybody kind of forgot about it in all the excitement of actually getting CCW through.