Friday, November 4, 2011

The Truth About TTAG

Weer'd makes some good points.  I personally stopped paying any attention to them when I noticed an overwhelming theme of cut and paste combined with forgetting to credit sources, along with refusing to acknowledge said sources, or remove material when called out on it.  The further drama a few months back only pounded the final nail in the proverbial coffin for me.

I can't help but wonder along with one of the commenters, why does Instapundit continue to regularly link to him, given these rather widely known facts?  Then again, maybe I just need to slam a Monster, get through this last two and a half hours of work, and crash... 

1 comment:

Bob S. said...

I went over from Joan Peterson's blog because I wanted to see what they had in common - she quoted his critique of the magazine.

There are some good writers and material on the site -- unfortunately it is all under the umbrella of Farago.