Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Glocks, Reload Speed, Mag Capacity...

Obviously are all currently being heavily discussed due to the events this past weekend.  Uncle just put up a decent post relating to a couple of the issues, especially in regards to why mag capacity doesn't really mean squat in such situations.  (Although in the case in question, it was sloppy reloading technique that was the shooter's downfall by most accounts.)

Predictably, the sales of Glock handguns and "high-capacity" magazines for them have spiked in the last few days.  Just surfing most gun forums will get you a slew of threads asking where to get the big mags since everybody's sold out of them.  Personally, I'm not too worried about this causing a new mag ban just yet, and I'm not a Glock fan by any means, so an extended Glock magazine wouldn't do me much good (although there are some 9mm carbines that use them out there, and that could be fun.)  I'm not going to panic buy any though.

Just as much full retard debate has been flying around regarding the political rhetoric that some claim pushed Loughner over the edge.  That's pretty much all bull___.  I don't really make it habit of backing any single politician, I'm generally disgusted by politics at large, and the games the MSM plays with it doesn't make it any better.  However, despite what you're thoughts are on Sarah Palin, she brought up a pretty good quote in a recent response to the accusations being thrown at her campaign.
"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” Ronald Regan

ETA: Larry Correia's also got a pretty decent post from a couple days ago that sums up a lot of my feelings pretty well too, and it's prettier than anything I can write, since writing's kinda his thing.

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