Local Motors Rally Fighter
$75k, which includes going to their place for 6 days to actually build your car. Badass.
Spike's Tactical got one, and the vinyl wrap on theirs is pretty sweet too.
About guns, coffee, and all the other stuff I feel like talking about.
Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation (NASDAQ: SWHC), parent company of Smith & Wesson Corp., the legendary 159-year old company in the global business of safety, security, protection, and sport, announced today that it has recently received a contract from the Belgium Federal Police calling for 20,000 Smith & Wesson® Military & Police (M&P) 9mm polymer pistols over a ten-year period. The police agency, a force with 12,500 officers, has received an initial shipment of 2,500 pistols as part of the full department conversion to Smith & Wesson duty firearms.I'm pretty convinced the M&P is probably the best "agency gun" on the market. It shoots well, is plenty accurate and very reliable, and the interchangeable back-straps make it comfortable for a huge spectrum of users.