Monday, September 30, 2013

KtKC Day 30

The final day! Started with a picture by my pretty new truck, we'll finish the same way.

There's still time to donate! We're darn close to $500, every bit helps!

Final Day!

Yesterday I said I wanted to break $400, and we did! No reason we can't break $500 today!

Donate here!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

KtKC Day 29

Remembered we had stashed a couple bombers of a very fitting brew to help close out the month.

I don't know if that's a question you want to ask, beer.

Even though September is coming to a close (no more baseball for Brewers fans... sad face...), there is still time to donate!!  I'd love to break into $400, and I don't think that's unreasonable, especially all those people out there that said they would, but haven't donated yet.  Click Here to donate to Livestrong on behalf of Guns & Coffee!

Friday, September 27, 2013

KtKC Day 26/27

Was out of the house all afternoon and worked all night... so yesterday's photo is a day late.

Manda had some fancy professional networking thingy, so I got all dressy again.

It was a little sad though, had to work, so couldn't enjoy any of the number of free microbrews.  Oh wells.

There's still a few days to donate!  We hit $300 yesterday, but I still think we can do better!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Oops. (KtKC Day 25)

One of those days... spent the day fixing the porch door (and cursing whoever installed the last latch, the holes were about as straight as a rainbow flag), pushing around little plastic Space Vikings, looking at another house, and putting in an offer on one we looked at yesterday.  Now I'm getting ready to go work an overnight, and completely blanked on getting a kilt photo...

My bad.

So to pursued you to donate, here is a photo of me with the bit of "Packers Swag" I won at the preseason game last month.

Jay: I see your jersey and raise you a helmet?
(Just for today's photo... I don't think Manda
would let me send this thing anywhere...)

Yup, a genuine game-worn helmet from last season.  I guess the Pack doesn't mess around with the prizes for the "3rd Quarter Break Fan of the Game."

There's still time to donate to help kick cancer's stupid butt!  Today we hit $300 exactly, let's get that up to $400!  Donate here!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

KtKC Day 24

Look! A quite dapper gent!

Today was a case of "I love the look of 'dress clothes' and never wear them... but I own them... screw it, wearing a tie and vest."  Got a good amount of compliments, and a ton more "so why are you dressed up?" comments too.  I should dress pretty every day.

Still have a week or so to donate!  I'd like to at least break $300 at this point...

KtKC Day 23

Late night bike ride leads to late posting.

Finally got around to installing the RRA Two-stage trigger into the A2, had to try it out.

It's pretty sweet.  Eventually I'll swap out a NM upper and get serious, but it's a start at least.

It's still September, so there's still time to DONATE!  I'm currently dead middle of the pack, but I'm still convinced I can do better.  Help me out!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Lines of Departure" available for pre-order

On Amazon (Kindle, paperback, and audio!)  This is the sequel to Marko's awesome book "Terms of Enlistment", a great military sci-fi read.

KtKC Day 21

The University paper picked up the story this week, should be able to read it if you open it up in a new tab or the like.

Supposed to be a video segment at some point as well.

Also, a friend of one of my student employees apparently told her "I saw the coolest thing, some guy is walking around campus in a kilt, and he was walking like he totally owned it!"  Must have been when I was meeting with Ms. Scott for the interview.

Friday, September 20, 2013

KtKC Day 20

Going in hot!

The cats can be pretty dangerous when they're "starving."

As always, donate to kick cancer here!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

KtKC Day 19

Safety first! If you're not familiar with the Army's reflective belt, keep in mind we were required to wear these at night... in Afghanistan...

Donate to kick cancer here!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

KtKC Day 18

Angels beating up on Traitor Marines (the Valkyrie is pretending to be a Nephalim Jetfighter, saving me $75 on a model that I now know sucks in the current rules.)

Crap, how do these rules work again?
Won one, lost one today.

Tired of the Spotlight

Starbucks has never really been "Pro-Gun," they just have never been "Anti-Gun" either.  They've tried to remain neutral on the whole issue, simply stating they would follow local laws regarding open-carry of firearms.

Over the years their stores have been used as a meeting place and have unwantingly hosted rallies and open carry displays, along with anti-gun protesters loudly crying about their stance, or lack thereof.

They have once again made a noncommittal request for gun owners to not openly display firearms in their stores (but if you do, we'll still serve you... just try not to, ok?)

I can't say I blame them, they've spent a few years under somewhat intense scrutiny from the Antis, and an unwanted embrace from the Pros; all because they have tried their hardest to not pick sides.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

KtKC Day 17

One great kilt,

"They need all the firepower they can get!"
Two great causes!  Ok, a Great Cause, and a Good Cause... 'cause.

Don't forget to donate here!!


Would that help?  Next year I'm hoping to talk to some industry folks about getting some cool swag to give away, but I ran out of time this year.

What I do have to offer, is a kilt pin.

I made this one up last month, and need to make a few more for next month. It'll be pretty quick to knock out another one and offer it up as a prize, say $5 gets you a "ticket", and I'll figure out some fun way of picking a winner at the end of the month?  I think it's a good deal!

Don't forget, donate here!

Monday, September 16, 2013


It seems Jay is no longer stuck in Massachusetts.  Does that mean he'll be changing his blog's name?

Glad to hear good things for people.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

KtKC Day 15

The joys of truck ownerhood.  "Hey, are you busy? I need to move some stuff."

Actually always willing to help out my friendly neighborhood game store owner.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

KtKC Day 13

I seriously have no idea what I'm doing.  And I apologize to the guy who's club I broke.

Donate here!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

KtKC Day 12

Worked overnight last night, do the same tonight, combined with a lingering sinus infection means I don't have a photo today.  Slept a good while, and then signed paperwork to put an offer in on a new house.  Grown up stuff and all that.

Rest assured, once i got up and moving I was kilted, and I'll have a good picture tomorrow.

Also, my offer from yesterday still stands. Made the same offer on facebook, but everybody seems to have missed the "donate" part...

Magpul AK Grip Shipping

Been waiting for these.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

KtKC Day 11

Got distracted looking at houses and forgot to get a picture... then realized I have no ideas for humorous kilted photos.  So, give me some ideas, and since it's a fundraiser type of thing, donate some money and I just may get the picture, no matter how absurd the idea is.

I gots nuthin'.

I'm sure you know the deal, donate, email me the receipt and add your photo request in the body of the email, and as long as it's legal, I'll make it happen!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

KtKC Day 10

Wedding planning is tough some times... like having your bonus mom-in-law feed you cake.


Donate here!


I know I've mentioned it before, but I always love watching Danny MacAskill ride.

Caracal Model C Recall

All recalled, no fix, full refund.  Something about the slide breaking in half.

Monday, September 9, 2013

More Press

They don't have a web version, but here's a snapshot of the article in this week's Portage County Gazette.

As always, DONATE HERE!

KtKC Day 9

Had to work early this morning, and at some point my face decided it'd be an awesome idea to pick up a wicked sinus infection.  Long story short, even though I was kilted after work, I completely blanked on getting a pic.

On the upside, as we pulled out of Walgreens with the psuedoephedrine, I decided that if I ever need a parking lot painted, I don't want to hire the guys that did theirs.

How much is "drunk insurance"?

I don't work tomorrow, so hopefully I'll remember to get a quick photo.

And as always, please direct your sympathy donations here.

ETA:  Sympathy picture!  Sniffley tea time.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Another News Piece

Also had a small story in the local interwebs newspaper.

Donate here!

KtKC Day 7

Robert Wadlow reached a staggering 8'11" before he died at the age of 22, making him the tallest man to have ever lived. Thankfully my glands cut me off around the same age at a lowly 6'4" and some change, leaving me as probably not even the tallest gun blogger in Wisconsin.

Believe it, or not.
We were in Wisconsin Dells last night and today for the Badger Yellow Ribbon program (hence the neked face...) and walked around a little after.  It was a little late in the day to do much other than walk through and get back home, but we stopped in front of Ripley's Believe It or Not for a photo.

KtKC Links

Apparently the page I was linking to on Livestrong has something broken in the code, and the donate button didn't work (thank you Mr. USAA guy for letting me know!)

Here's the new link. I have adjusted the links on the blog.

Friday, September 6, 2013

KtKC Day 6 - The News!

Didn't get a picture for the day, we have a full blown TV news story!

I didn't get to see the broadcast, but it's good to see the beard immortalized before having to shave it off for Army stuff this weekend.

As always, DONATE HERE!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

KtKC Day 5

I was going to pose with a bottle of Jameson, but everybody said this one worked better with the kilt.

McSomething-or-other, Scottish, right?
The beer sounds pretty good, looking forward to trying it.

As always, donate here!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Do Work.

With the weather flip-flopping in a distinctly Wisconsin way (frost warnings tonight, supposed to be in the 80s Friday...) the mice keep making their way in.  Going of the cats' behavior today, they're obviously getting up through the kitchen by the dishwasher.

Sitting here watching Brewers' Post-game (9-3 over the Pirates! A rare win for the year...) I heard somebody bounce off the dishwasher, and 5 seconds later, Lila prances into the living room to show off.

She says Simon is slacking.  That's the 3rd confirmed kill in the last week for her, a long way from the girl that got one two years ago and freaked out when it squeaked.  I guess she's got her killing blow down now.

I'm just glad one of them finally started paying their share of the rent.

KtKC Day 4

Snooty whiskey drinking!  Neglected to get a picture while i was doing miniature gaming, oops.

Hamilton Grey and bourbon.
Although some mead would have matched the shirt better, oops.

Click here to donate!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

KtKC Day 3

Busy day, almost forgot to get a photo, so I grabbed some stuff and gave Manda the camera.  It seemed like a good idea at the time...

Get some!(Heritage of Ireland that is.)

This brings up the thought, if you have ideas for pictures of me in a kilt doing stuff, comment away!

As always, donate here - G&C Livestrong

6 Fancy ways to brew coffee

From I (Heart) Coffee blog.

I'm using the third option today.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Kilted Grillin'

Day 2 of KtKC!

Stewart Black, because ALL THE COLORS!
Honey-mustard chicken, potatoes, corn, and a T-bone.

Good food to knock me out for the graveyard shift tonight...

As always, DONATE HERE!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

KtKC Day 1

The 5.11 TDK was the easiest one to put on this morning when I left for work without waking anybody up.  Got a couple double takes at the grocery store after work, but that was it.  Still have some more errands to run though...

I don't have a list of glorious prizes to offer to bribe you like some people (kind of ran out of time to get that together this year, hopefully next time...) although I may be able to scrounge up something for the top donation or as a raffle sort of deal.  Regardless, if you want to help out with the cause, you can donate HERE.