I've got a good 15 foot or so lane from the living room area carpet. Not bad for a small apartment, and I can switch them over to the fridge door if I want to stand up and work on handguns. Of course you can draw whatever shapes you like, and the sheets are 8"x11" and work with ink jet printers, so your target options are quite limitless.
As with all dry fire practice, safety is paramount. Ensure your firearm is unloaded, and that all ammunition is triple locked in a box in the other side of the building, if not in another building a county away (common sense people...) and do your best to ensure you're directing your gun in as safe a direction as possible (in my building I'm going through a large appliance, utility room, and towards the next apt.'s oven... not the best, but as good as I'm going to get in my building.)
Down the road, it would be nice to add a LaserLyte training laser to the mix. In the mean time, it should help me get back in decent target form. Cro's been mentioning hitting up some service rifle competitions when he gets back, and I just happen to have an A2 style AR rifle...
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