Monday, December 31, 2012
Mag Advice
I may order some soonish just to have a stash waiting when I get home. Not that I need more, but I like having spares. Mags are expendable.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Cancer Sucks
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Dirt Pusher's Journal: Post Holiday Day
Sunday, December 23, 2012
A Swedish Rifle in Egypt
Ever since I came back from Iraq in 2005 I have been interested in middle eastern history. My post war college education was History with an emphasis on middle east. I learned that the history of that region is full of so many fascinating stories. Some of them being the Egyptian military rifles. Egypt went through many rifles after WW2, and prior to adopting the AK, some examples are the Hakim, the FN 49, and the Rasheed. The Hakim is a 8mm version of the Swedish AG-42 Ljungman The swede was originally 6.5 mm which must have been a sweet shooting package. The Hakim fires a big 8mm Mauser cartrage.
Bolt disassembly was a bit tricky as it is spring loaded once you take it off the rifle, I was not holding the bolt in the carrier when I depressed the lever and launched my bolt across the room.
My rifle came with 3 spare mags and a bayonet. I only tested out one of the mags during the range trip. The rifle has a muzzle brake.. That’s right muzzle brake standard on a military rifle.
The manual of arms for loading the hakim is a bit different than other semi auto rifles. Instead of pulling back and letting the bolt fall foreword, you actually push the receiver cover foreword, and then pull it back.
So I fired the rifle at 100 m to see where it was going with the ammo. I was impressed, the thing was nearly on the black right off the bat. I decided to leave the sights where they were and fired a group to check accuracy. The steel cased stuff did ok with a 4 inch group average. The Brass cased surprised me. I was able to squeak out a 2.5 inch 5 shot group . I was impressed and surprised.
Recoil was low.. Very low in fact. The muzzle brake works extremely well, and the length and weight of the rifle works to make it a rifle I could shoot all day long. I even was able to ring the 16inch gong at 200 while standing about 7-10 of the shots.
So what's my final take on Al Hakim? I will call it Excelent, or ممتازًا
The rifle is accurate, fast follow up shots, and sends a full power round down range. I don’t like the sights, but what can you expect from a Garand guy?? For what I paid for the rifle it was an excellent value, and cheap 8mm is still easily available.. Don’t believe me? Go to southern Ohio Gun. That’s where I got the brass cased stuff. As of my last check they still have it. I plan on taking this rifle to the range more often than my other C&Rs.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Good Quote...
"Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not cooked in the same pot."
ProvHerbs 3:23
Think about it, discuss it, have some Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
At first I woke up, and it was really foggy, and outside of the wire all I could see was desolation, decrepit buildings, and few signs of life. I thought maybe the Mayans were on to something.
Then I realized, I'm in Afghanistan. That's pretty much everyday. Oops.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Just some thoughts...
Now that the rest of the world (ok, the US) is waking up, some people with a better command of language have summed up a lot of what I was trying to convey.
Breda linked a post she wrote years ago that does a great job of explaining what angers me the most about the situation. I have lots of respect for teachers, and I think that if they are willing they would be the thoughtful and responsible type of people that should be allowed to carry a firearm. I know I've seen at least one photo of an Israeli elementary school teacher carrying an M1 Carbine while taking her class on a field trip, and it seems to be working fairly well for them. The faculty may not have been able to prevent all of the deaths, but hell, give them a fighting chance to do something!
Roberta also makes an excellent point about the media and these things. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I can't help but think there's a connection with how much reporting these events have and how much the predominately left-leaning media has been crying for a new AWB.
In my own words on Facebook, "We will never know what went through the minds of certain individuals in the last couple of weeks, but I can assure you, the fault does not lay in an innatimate piece of steel and wood or plastic."
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The Smell of Cordite
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Well... Thankfully I Have a Kindle...
I guess I'll no longer be supporting their business. Kinda sucks, since it was less than a mile from the house. Hopefully the other book store across town has it, otherwise I'll be forced to stop supporting my local businesses (who obviously know what's good for me better than I do) and finally get a subscription.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Fundraisers for Tam
As gunbloggers tend to do (because we're awesome people) there's a whole slew of fundraising type stuff going on to help. Given my current location, the best I can do is jump in and lower everybody's chances for some of the prizes, and I highly suggest you do the same!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
M&P C.O.R.E.
Smith & Wesson announced a new series for the M&P pistol line, the C.O.R.E., or Competition Optic Ready Equipment. In other words, an M&P9 or 40 (standard and 'L') with tall sights and a cutout for various Micro Red-Dot sights.
I haven't had a chance to shoot a pistol equipped this way, but I'm very tempted to pick up a Ruger 22/45 with a rail when I get home to drop a Primary Arms MRD on and see how it works for me. I like the idea, and can see it being pretty sweet for a duty/defense pistol if you can train yourself to use it.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
I think that'll have a bit of an impact in the next few years...
Saturday, November 3, 2012
More Coffee in the 'Stan!
In the "roaster's" own words-
Remember those lazy Saturday mornings when everybody slept in? About the only thing that would open our eyes (other than the smell of just brewed coffee, of course) was the mouth-watering aroma of buttery French toast and warm Vermont maple syrup.And Fair Trade to boot!
This stuff was freshly mailed to us the other day, so there's no excuse of it sitting around from a year ago either. Once the ECR stopped making strange noises (sure glad I had an M4 fully loaded with M855A1 ready) we were greeted with a strong aroma of Maple Syrup. It filled the entire office, and didn't smell bad actually. Upon closer inspection, my nose picked up a hint of rather bland Robusto coffee and very slight notes of butter.
It did brew up nice and dark, and I couldn't see the bottom of the cup for once.
For smelling so sweet, it's amazingly bitter. Any "French Toast" flavor is quickly lost by... something. In it's defense, there was much less "chemical" taste than other K-Cups I've tried. Overall, it looked much better than it tasted, and really just seems like bad coffee they tried to cover with an even worse flavor.
As for SSG Moose, "It tastes like what I imagine the French Toast from the movie 'Road Trip' would."
This one scores one mangy goat out of five.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Want a Case of P-Mags?
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
A-Stan Coffee Reviews!
Today my partner in crime, er S2/S3, SSG "Moose," who's actually a fan of the Coffee Robot(tm) decided to bust into the Pumpkin Spice from Green Mountain Coffee. This is a seasonal flavored coffee, and no doubt left over from last fall. The... roaster... describes it as "A delicious coffee enhanced by the creamy pumpkin spice flavors of autumn." Supposedly it's a light roast, and of unknown origin.
The coffee is indeed light, to the point that you can almost see the bottom of the cup. I described it as "incredibly weak, with a dis-congruent aroma-to-flavor ratio, smelling quite reminiscent of a rich Spiced Chai Latte, and with the taste of a wet dishrag used to clean out a pumpkin pie pan, with only a hint of coffee. It's only saving grace is a clean finish with only a minimal chemical preservative taste."
SSG Moose described it as "hot wet garbage."
We'll give this one a rating of a single goat (out of a herd of 10 or so.)
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Temptation Has Two Wheels
With the ol' Autobot gone and an F150 looming on the horizon, I find myself contemplating a "serious" commuter bike... with gears and mounts for racks and fenders. Of course I'm a fat-tire rider at heart, so the disc brakes and hint of knobs on the tires also attract me quite a bit.
Having cross levers on the flats seems like a wonderful idea for a commuter as well, since I like to be up and scanning at intersections, and hovering over the brakes; something that plain doesn't work if you've only got levers on the drops like the Red Beast has. That's one of the handful of complaints I have about that bike.
Oh well, plenty of time to think and see how the reviews turn out as this one has some time on the streets (and trails.) It's probably a good thing I'm not too keen on the color, otherwise I'd be awful tempted to tell Manda to go down to the LBS and order me one...
Friday, October 12, 2012
MHI Kickstarter
Go. Contribute. Get cool stuff.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Dirt Pusher's Journal: Ranger Coffee
MHIEHBRPG Kickstarter is Live!
Anyway, go support the Awesome!!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
SKD Deal of the Day
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Oh Danny Boy...
It was, at least, the pick-me-up I needed this afternoon, and the man deserves some donations for that (I gave mine last night.)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
YAR! (Pirate Name Time!)
part of the network
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Tsai Steps Down
I don't know how much of it was pressure from the publishers (you don't lose a giant chunk of ad revenue overnight and just ignore it...) but I think this is the right first move in trying to save a publication.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Obviously an important day, and one with extra meaning for the second time in my life. I'm not going to say to much, primarily because I'm at a vehicle gunnery range in the middle of the desert, and I'm amazed I have any signal.
I will, however, direct you to this post from Breach, Bang, Clear- A Different Take on Remembering 9/11
Monday, September 10, 2012
More Companies Pulling Ads from Recoil
Haley Strategic
ITS Tactical
Panteao Productions
Bravo Company USA
I'm sure there's more, but these are some pretty big names that definitely jumped out, especially Travis Haley, who was featured in the last issue quite prominently.
ETA: Better list from SSD
Tsai Speaks
He posted this morning on their Facebook page-
Again, I acknowledge the mistakes I made and for them I am truly sorry.
Jerry Tsai
I've got a class, so I'll get to my thoughts and reactions later.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Silencerco Pulls Ads from Recoil
Done with Recoil Magazine
I haven't seen the most recent issue yet, but there's apparently an article about the H&K MP7A1 written by the above editor, in which he writes-
"Like we mentioned before, the MP7A1 is unavailable to civilians and for good reason. We all know that’s technology no civvies should ever get to lay their hands on. This is a purpose-built weapon with no sporting applications to speak of. It is made to put down scumbags, and that’s it. Mike Cabrera of Heckler & Koch Law Enforcement Sales and veteran law enforcement officer with SWAT unit experience points out that this is a gun that you do not want in the wrong, slimy hands. It comes with semi-automatic and full-auto firing modes only. Its overall size places it between a handgun and submachine gun. Its assault rifle capabilities and small size make this a serious weapon that should not be taken lightly."I haven't been able to verify, but there is a response attributed to JT that digs his hole even deeper on their Facebook page (in the comments on the photo of the gun in question, you'll probably have to dig a little.) It pretty much reads as an excerpt from the Brady Campaign handbook with talk of "falling into the 'wrong' hands" and defending H&Ks decision to not produce a "civilian" version to keep military and police safe from such a tiny lethal device.
I don't want to buy a gun magazine that's going to preach anti-gun rhetoric at me, so until it's fixed and he's gone, they shouldn't expect me to be buying another issue (I am a little sad, the pictures and layout where nice...)
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Gimme Blog Fodder
Problem is, I don't know what kind of stuff people want to hear about. So, if you can give me some ideas in the comments, and pass the word around, that'd be awesome. It's often a lot easier for me to write stuff if somebody plants an idea in my head. I'll do what I can, keeping with OPSEC and the standard rules and regs, but feel free to put whatever you want down there.
Glock Commercial
Not my choice in guns (if you've spent any time around here, you've probably picked up on that... nothing against them, I'd even shoot one regularly if given to me, just not what I like if I'm paying.)
It's good to see a company stepping up their image though.
Awesome Warning
Look for a review in a couple months after some time to beat it up.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
KtKC Starts Today
I (sadly) can't participate this year, since the Army frowns upon modifying the uniform that much (although if I had a Multicam Kilt and could get away with it, I'd rock it like no one's business!) but head here for all the information! (Jay G has a good post up too.)
Next year I'll be in on the fun though.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Your Chance to Own a G&C Legend!
The ol' Autobot is up for sale... if you're in the Wisconsin area and looking for a remarkably unremarkable compact sedan, it could be yours!
Just don't want to have it sitting for the better part of a year while I'm gone, and having two compact-ish four door sedans in the household seems a bit silly. We put new tires on it yesterday too!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
More Multitasker Tube Goodness
It makes a great handle when combined with the brush head and a section of rod from my issues Otis cleaning kit. Good stuff, and Sheila's got a lot less sand in all the corners and whatnot.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Deployment Blog
I decided to start up a secondary blog primarily for the deployment. I'll still be dropping stuff here, and will stick with the ol' G&C when I get back to civilization, but I felt I needed a different place for this whole adventure. Please bare with the growing pains and rough start I'm sure it'll have in formatting, the last few weeks slipped by far too fast and I didn't get a lot of things done I intended to (hanging out with Manda seemed to be more important than most other things...)
In the meantime, Cro will likely be slipping in some content as well, so keep checking here too.
For now, I'll see you at Dirt Pusher's Journal!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
About Time...
Friday, July 20, 2012
Some Styrofoam may have been injured in the test. |
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Lost Some Wisdom This Morning
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
My BRD is Spreading...
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My leg looks funny all shaved... |
One Week...
Speaking of, that's why it's been kinda quiet around here lately, lots of crap to get together and a lot of "non-blog" stuff on my mind. Deployments take up a lot of your time...
Monday, July 16, 2012
Content Warning
I always did like Thomas Jane as Punisher.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Plastic AR Carbine Lower
ATI Omni Polymer lower reciever. Cheap, and I think it'd hold up fine. I may look into picking one up when I get back just to see how "cheap" I can build an AR.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Garmin Fenix
Yes Please. Garmin, if you're reading, I would love to beat one up in Afghanistan over the next year.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Recoil (Issue 3)
Friday, July 6, 2012
Reach out and touch someone...
Golf Battery, 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines, out of Camp Pendleton, Calif., dropped the 155mm M982 Excalibur round on insurgents 36 kilometers away — more than 22 miles — in Helmand province. The strike was launched Feb. 12 from an M777 howitzer on a mountainside at Forward Operating Base Zeebrugge, in Kajaki, to neighboring Musa Qala district, Marines said.
It marks the longest operational artillery shot in history for the Marine Corps, said Capt. Joshua Kling, the battery commander.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
More Range Photos
Anywho, as I said before, a friend from my Scout Camp days was in town for the day, and wanted to try some of the modern hardware out. So we brought out the 1911, M&P pistols (9mm and .22lr,) Lightweight AR, and the LCP to run some more rounds through it.
Neat action sequence-
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I advise "right click, open in new tab." |
She fired two shots, and declared it less than great... too long of a trigger and hard to control. Not surprising. She then put a magazine through the 1911, and while it bugged her shoulder, she still preferred it over the LCP. More in detail about that in a later post.
Cleaned up yesterday's photo too...
Of course the AR was a crowd pleaser as usual, what with its light weight and low recoil. Andy was bouncing a bottle around on the berm in a couple shots and was in love.
After getting back in town, we headed over to O'So Brewing's taproom as Andy is a huge beer fan. 40 taps of Wisconsin beer is always a good time.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
I need a new camera...
That's straight off the camera there... A few more I need to crop and tweek colors on, but damn. I am jealous.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The 255-67 vote marked the first time in American history that the head of the Justice Department has been held in contempt by Congress.Should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
While the Idea is Cool...
Monday, June 25, 2012
You keep using that word....
Hardly "supporting" there, Elks...
I've seen numerous "no guns" signs around now that we have ccw laws (really never were many when we only had open carry...) but this one really made me wonder more than just about any around.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Range Photos
Dan picked up a Saiga-12 (he may or may not be in the middle of reading the Monster Hunter series...)
It'll be getting a new stock sooner than later. In the meantime, not quite my cup of tea but it still a bit of fun, and quite giggle inducing.
Dan also brought out the S&W .44mag (I'm wondering about his fascination with self punishment...)
And, on the opposite end of the spectrum, the tiny little thing pretending to be a pistol worked too. Surprisingly accurate, despite its lack of sights (one of the few times I'm probably going to put a laser on something.)
I did come to the conclusion that with my hands, the tiny bit of concealability I loose is a worthwhile trade-off for the controlability of the finger rest extension.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Light Range Trip
Bruised ribs do not make for very dynamic movements though... at least not with any long guns. Photos later, need to caffeinate and clean house first, guests inbound.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Elsie Pea Club
It's been on "the (long) list" for a while, with the stipulation of "only if it's a deal..." Well, when scoping out the new shop in town I noticed one in the case for a good chunk off retail, despite being brand new. Turns out it's the classic "I won it at a raffle, and don't like it" trade, just plain too small for the guy's hands. (ETA :p ) We had left the store, and about halfway to the car Manda looks at me and simply says "go back and buy it, otherwise you won't shut up about it all weekend." So I did.
Picked up some cheap Russian ball to wring through it, and a box of Hornady Critical Defense. Also had an Amazon package waiting at the door when I got home containing a Desantis Nemesis Holster for it (I love Amazon Prime.) Should get out in a couple days to try it out.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Home. And New Shop in Town.
I'll be going back on Monday to bring something home... (stupid Doyle...)
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Obligatory teaser shot... |
Bit of an update, his site is now live.