Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First Timers

Noticed a couple blog posts around the intertubes regarding first time shooters, and more importantly, how much fun they had.

It's no stretch to say that introducing new people to the shooting community is by far the most fun I ever have at the range (and that's coming from somebody who's spent quality time with Ma Duece and a full can of government funded ammo...)  The overwhelming sense of accomplishment in helping show that guns are fun, and not scary, helping someone gain the self confidence and empowerment of an effective means of self defense, and, most rewarding, that giant ear-to-ear grin that comes after that first shot with a serious gun.  All fantastic feelings.

I think I'm overdue for taking some newbies out to the range...


North said...

"introducing new people to the shooting community is by far the most fun"


Snow and Ash said...

I don't know, I remember the grin on my face in basic training after I fired an M60 for the first time...

It's pretty hard to beat.